IBM Planning Analytics

Plan and make strategic decisions to be prepared for anything.

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¿What is IBM Planning Analytics?

IBM Planning Analytics is an advanced solution for strategic, integrated, and continuous planning that combines the versatility of spreadsheets with the robustness and control of a multidimensional database thanks to Artificial Intelligence. This solution enables organizations to adapt to constant market fluctuations through agile planning, accurate forecasts, and detailed analysis of various situations.

Integra, an IBM Gold Partner, assists and accompanies you in the project definition process and the implementation of the solution.

Forecast-based planning

IBM Planning Analytics is revolutionizing the market, putting Artificial Intelligence at the disposal of all areas of the company to make informed and objective forecasts on aspects such as material costs or distribution, as well as issues directly affecting production. It allows for the consideration of different scenarios and the design of actions before significant market changes occur, thereby gaining a competitive advantage and preparing its management teams for possible eventualities.

Discover the main benefits that the solution brings to your organization:


Reduce planning, forecasting, and analysis cycles. Obtain real-time information to make better decisions based on reliable data.


Synchronize processes and data across the entire organization, from finance to operations, to create more precise and integrated plans.


Easily adjust plans and forecasts in real-time to anticipate or adapt to changing business strategies and conditions.


Conduct tests in hypothetical scenarios and assess the impact of your decisions before making them.

How would your organization change if you used IBM Planning Analytics?

The platform incorporates algorithms that analyze historical data and apply possible scenarios, both good and bad, to predict the outcome we would achieve in each case. These potential scenarios are developed taking into account all departments of the organization, meaning all factors are considered.

Some of the uses that can be given in each department include:

  • ChatGPT ChatGPT HR: workforce planning and staffing, salary and compensation planning.

  • OPERATIONS: order planning, supply chain planning, sales and operations planning, inventory planning.

  • MARKETING: promotion planning, revenue planning, customer planning, customer churn analysis.

  • IT: IT portfolio planning, project planning, IT budgeting.

  • FINANCE: financial analysis and planning, strategic planning, capital planning, expense planning.

  • SALES: sales forecasting, territory planning, sales quota planning, sales capacity planning.

Dive deeper into IBM Planning Analytics.

Get to know the tool's functionalities in more detail and benefit from its advantages.

Content of interest

Discover the latest updates about IBM Planning Analytics through our webinars, blog articles, success stories, and other related content.

Do you want more information?

If you want to receive more information about what we do and our products and services, don't hesitate to contact us. We are eager to help you and provide you with the solutions that will position you in the future. Technology, Digital Strategy, Data and Artificial Intelligence, People Management, and Strategy.

Responsable: INTEGRA ESTRATEGIA Y TECNOLOGÍA (Sociedad Aragonesa de Asesoría Técnica S.L.). - Finalidad: Gestionar el envío de información y prospección comercial - Legitimación: Consentimiento del interesado. - Destinatarios: No se cederán datos salvo disposición legal. - Derechos: Acceder, rectificar y suprimir los datos, así como otros derechos, como se explica en la información adicional. - Puede consultar información adicional sobre Protección de Datos en nuestra página web